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+7 (495) 772-95-90
Address: 4 Slavyanskaya Ploshchad, Building 2, room 116
SPIN-RSCI: 9896-1470
ORCID: 0000-0001-6551-0851
ResearcherID: D-8090-2018
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L. Ovcharova
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Pavel Shulgin

  • Pavel Shulgin has been at HSE University since 2014.

Education and Degrees

  • 1982

    Candidate of Sciences* (PhD) in Regional Economy
    Central Research Institute of Economics under Gosplan of the USSR

  • 1975

    Degree in Geography
    Lomonosov Moscow State University

* Candidate of Sciences
According to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) 2011, Candidate of Sciences belongs to ISCED level 8 - "doctoral or equivalent", together with PhD, DPhil, D.Lit, D.Sc, LL.D, Doctorate or similar. Candidate of Sciences allows its holders to reach the level of the Associate Professor.

Courses (2021/2022)

Courses (2020/2021)

Organizational Aspects of Social Management (Master’s programme; Institute for Social Policy; 2 year, 1, 2 module)Rus

Courses (2019/2020)

Organizational Aspects of Social Management (Master’s programme; Institute for Social Policy; 2 year, 1, 2 module)Rus

Deputy editor-in-chief of "Heritage and Modern Time" magazine


  • 2024
    Преобразование городской среды: новые тенденции и старые проблемы (Калуга). Presentation: Картографирование наследия города как инструмент сохранения и использования его историко-культурного потенциала (методические подходы и практическое воплощение)
  • 2023
    XV конгресс антропологов и этнологов России (Санкт-Петербург). Presentation: Этноэкологические территории в структуре культурного каркаса региона
  • Пятый экономический конгресс, сессия "Культура и креативные индустрии" (Екатеринбург). Presentation: Потенциал культурного наследия Российской Федерации и задачи совершенствования его использования
  • VIII Международный форум литературных музеев (Михайловское (Псковская область)). Presentation: Основные положения концепции развития Пушкинского Заповедника на 2025-2037 годы
  • 2022
    IX Златоустовские чтения (Москва). Presentation: Предложения по дальнейшему развитию достопримечательного места "Златоустовский монастырь"
  • Международная научная конференция VII Семёновские чтения "Наследие П.П. Семёнова-Тян-Шанского и современная наука" (Липецк). Presentation: Концепция создания и развития федерального музея-заповедника "Родина П.П. Семёнова-Тян-Шанского"
  • Современные проблемы изучения и охраны культурного и природного наследия (Москва). Presentation: Комплексные региональные программы сохранения и использования наследия (новые подходы и практический опыт последних лет)
  • Международный форум к 50-летию Конвенции об охране всемирного наследия (Казань). Presentation: Исторические пути и дороги в списке Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО
  • 2021
    Международный круглый стол «Астрономические обсерватории Казанского университета в мировой культуре и науке» (Казань). Presentation: Основные тенденции формирования списка объектов астрономического наследия в рамках списка Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО и их учет при номинировании обсерваторий Казанского университета
  • VI Международный форум «Туризм. Наука и образование» (Химки (Московская область)). Presentation: Культурный каркас как форма использования культурного наследия и основа территориальной организации туризма в российских регионах
  • XIV конгресс антропологов и этнологов России (Томск). Presentation: Этноэкологические территории как особый объект наследия и инструмент сохранения национальной культуры
  • Международная конференция "Мецаморские чтения - 2" (Ереван). Presentation: Музеи-заповедники как основа культурного каркаса в российских регионах
  • 2020
    Культурное наследие в современном мире: вызовы XXI века (Москва). Presentation: Комплексные региональные программы в изучении, сохранении и использовании наследия
  • Наследие - драйвер социально-экономического развития регионов Тюменской области (Тюмень). Presentation: Культурный каркас Тюменской области и основные задачи, решаемые в рамках его формирования
  • Четвертый Российский экономический конгресс (РЭК-2020), тематическая конференция "Экономика культуры" (Москва). Presentation: Стратегия формирования культурного каркаса страны и использования культурного наследия в качестве драйвера социально-экономического развития российских регионов
  • 2019
    "Культура 4.0. Экономика и культура" (Санкт-Петербург). Presentation: Роль и место театра в культурном каркасе региона
  • Сохранение и развитие историко-культурных территорий: проблемы, перспективы, современные тенденции (Москва). Presentation: Формирование культурного каркаса - стратегическое направление использования потенциала историко-культурных территорий
  • Встраивание культурного наследия в экономическую реальность (Тюмень). Presentation: Концепция культурного каркаса Тюменской области: главные направления работ и основные ожидаемые результаты для населенных пунктов и районов области
  • Международный форум "Астрономия и мировое наследие" (Казань). Presentation: Астрономическое наследие в списке Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО
  • 2018
    Государственное управление и развитие России: вызовы и возможности (Москва). Presentation: Потенциал культурного наследия Российской Федерации: его состояние и использование
  • Международный форум «Цифровая экономика: межотраслевое и территориальное единство развития рынка» (Москва). Presentation: Культурное наследие как драйвер социально-экономического развития исторических поселений
  • Международная конференция "Казанский форум по межкультурному диалогу" (Казань, Болгар, Свияжск). Presentation: Современные стратегические направления в сохранении и использовании культурного наследия
  • 2017
    Международный семинар "Мониторинг объектов Всемирного наследия: опыт Российской Федерации и стран СНГ" (Казань, Болгар). Presentation: Состояние культурного наследия в Российской Федерации и разработка государственной стратегии его использования
  • II Международная научно-богословская конференция "Духовный Шёлковый путь. Созидание. Интеграция" (Казань, Болгар). Presentation: Исторические пути и дороги как объект культурного и духовного наследия
  • 2016
    Международный форум ЮНЕСКО "Сбережение человечества как императив устойчивого развития" (Казань). Presentation: Подготовка первого в России утвержденного ЮНЕСКО плана управления для объекта Всемирного культурного наследия "Болгарский историко-археологический комплекс"
  • 2015
    Защита и управление Успенским собором и Троицкой церковью Свияжска, территорий Свияжска и буферной зоной (Казань, Свияжск). Presentation: Международный семинар "Основные положения концепции развития Свияжска и плана управления расположенными там объектами культурного наследия, номинированными в список ЮНЕСКО"
  • Золотое кольцо Аксаковского Поволжья - территория развития (Бугуруслан). Presentation: Стратегия развития музея-заповедника С.Т.Аксакова
  • Международный конгресс "Историко-культурное и духовное наследие Свияжска" (Казань). Presentation: Структура Плана управления объектами культурного наследия Свияжска, номинированными в список Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО, и рекомендации по основным его мероприятиям


Mapping as a Tool for Preserving Cultural Heritage

On May 23-24, an All-Russian Scientific Conference "Urban Environment Transformation: New Trends and Old Problems" was held in Kaluga, organized by Kaluga State University named after K.E. Tsiolkovski and Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences (INION RAN). Pavel Shulgin, the project leader of Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center, the head of the Centre for Regional Programs of Social and Cultural Development, and Olga Shtele, the leading expert of the Center, presented their report on the mapping of territories in order to preserve cultural heritage.

How will the Pushkin Mikhailovskoye Nature Reserve develop in the next decade?

The VIII International Forum of Literary Museums was held in the State Memorial Historical, Literary and Natural Landscape Museum-Reserve of A.S. Pushkin "Mikhailovskoye" (Pushkin Reserve) in the Pskov region from October 5 to 9. 

New Russian object - astronomical observatories of Kazan University – entered the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List

Employees of the Centre for Regional Programmes of Social and Cultural Development Pavel Shulgin and Olga Shtele participated in the preparation of this nomination

V Russian Economic Congress: Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center Gives a General Assessment of the Country's Cultural Heritage Potential

From September 11 to 15, Yekaterinburg hosted the Fifth Economic Congress organized by the New Economic Association. More than 1,500 scientists from 75 universities and 37 institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences took part in REC-2023, which is more than 180 organizations in total.

The Great Silk Road Conference: Historical Roads as UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Sites

From December 5-8, 2022, Kazan hosted an international forum dedicated to the UNESCO Convention on the Protection of Cultural and Natural Heritage 50’s anniversary. The Convention has become an important stage in recognizing the world heritage value and uniting all countries supporting this idea. A World Heritage List is being compiled under the auspices of UNESCO, which already includes 1,154 objects of cultural and natural heritage from all around the world. Participants from 56 countries of the world discussed the management of World Cultural Heritage Sites, environmental management and conservation of the World Natural Heritage. A total of 10 scientific conferences were held within the forum.

"Modern problems of studying and protecting cultural and natural heritage" - All-Russian scientific conference

On June 15, an All-Russian conference "Modern problems of studying and protecting cultural and natural heritage" was held in Moscow, at the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The conference started with a report "Comprehensive regional programs for the preservation and use of heritage (new approaches and practical experience of recent years)" by the head of the Centre for Regional Programs of Social and Cultural Development, Pavel Shulgin.

Piotr Semenov-Tyan-Shansky: the Potential of Heritage of an Outstanding Scientist-Encyclopedist

On May 21-22, the International Conference VII Semenov Readings "The Legacy of Piotr Semenov-Tyan-Shansky and Modern Science" was held in Lipetsk, in the scientist's homeland in the Ryazanka estate of the Lipetsk region. The head of the Centre for Regional Programs of Social and Cultural Development Pavel Shulgin and the leading expert of the Centre Olga Shtele presented a joint report under the topic "The concept of creation and development of the Federal museum-reserve "The Homeland of Piotr Semenov-Tyan-Shansky"".

Cultural Heritage of the First Cosmonaut: Human Potential in a Historical Context

On April 25, the first scientific and practical conference of the United Memorial Museum-Reserve of Yuri Gagarin was held in Gagarin, Smolensk region (formerly Gzhatsk). At the plenary part of the conference the head of the Centre for Regional Programs of Social and Cultural Development Pavel Shulgin and the leading expert of the Centre Olga Shtele presented a joint report on the topic "Experience in using cultural heritage in historical rural settlements".

The Map of Historical and Cultural Heritage of the Small Siberian City of Yalutorovsk was Published for the First Time

For the first time, a map of the historical and cultural heritage of Yalutorovsk, a small historical town located in the south of the Tyumen region, has been published.

How to Improve Zlatoust Monastery? Report by Pavel Shulgin

On February 2 and 3, the IX Zlatoust Readings were held in Moscow – a scientific and practical conference dedicated to the history of one of the oldest monasteries in Moscow, destroyed in the 1930s. At the plenary part of this conference, the report of the head of the Centre for Regional Programmes of Social and Cultural Development of the Institute for Social Policy Pavel Shulgin "Proposals for the further development of the landmark "Zlatoust Monastery" was presented.

Pavel Shulgin and Olga Shtele took part in the international conference "Metsamorian Readings" in Armenia

On December 15, Yerevan hosted the second "Metsamorian Readings– - an international conference dedicated to the problems of the development of museum-reserves. Within the framework of this forum a joint on-line report was presented by the head of the Centre for Regional Programmes of Social and Cultural Development of the Institute for Social Policy Pavel Shulgin, and the leading expert of the center, Olga Shtele "Museums-reserves as the basis of the cultural framework in Russian regions".

Pavel Shulgin and Olga Shtele took part in the on-line interuniversity conference "Heritage as the Driver of Socio-Economic Development of Regions of the Tyumen Oblast»

On November 26, Tyumen Industrial University held a scientific and practical on-line interuniversity conference "Heritage as the Driver of Socio-Economic Development of Regions of the Tyumen Oblast". The conference summed up the results of the project "Architectural Image of the Region", which is being implemented at the University Institute of Architecture and Design.

Creating a museum of a typical five-storey building ("khrushchevka") in Moscow? Pavel Shulgin gives an interview to the TV channel Kultura  

The federal TV channel Kultura raised the issue of creating a Museum of standard house-building of 1960s in Moscow on the basis of typical five-story houses popularly called «Khrushchevka» (after Nikita Khrushchev, the former head of the Soviet state, who initiated this social project). Pavel Shulgin, Head of the Centre for Regional Programmes of Social and Cultural Development of the Institute for Social Policy, HSE, gave an interview to the TV channel on this issue.

Pavel Shulgin Speaks at the Interuniversity Round Table 'Cultural Heritage in the Modern World: Challenges of the XXI Century'

On June 15, 2020 the Russian State University for the Humanities (Moscow) held the online interuniversity round table devoted to cultural heritage in the modern world and its callenges of the XXI century.

Pavel Shulgin among Authors of 'Historical Geography of Russia in the 20th Century. Administrative Division' Monograph

The Moscow Publishing House Uright has just produced a monograph Historical Geography of Russia in the 20th Century. Administrative Division. Its authors are Pavel Shulgin, Head of the Centre for Regional Programmes of Social and Cultural Development, HSE University, and Olga Shulgina, Head of the Geography Department, Moscow City University.

Pavel Shulgin and Olga Shtele Discuss the Ways to Promote Cultural Heritage

The round table Cooperation of the University, Local Museums and Local Communities as a Way to Promote Cultural Heritage, held on December 19, was organized by the National Research University "Higher school of Economics". Heads of departments of culture and cultural heritage of Moscow, directors of Moscow museums promoting the history of the city, publishers of literature on Moscow studies, specialists of the Higher School of Economics were invited to it.

The report of the Centre for Regional Programmes of Social and Cultural Development was presented at the international UNESCO conference in Kazan

The international forum "Astronomy and the World Heritage” under the auspices of UNESCO, was held in Kazan from 2 to 5 December.

Pavel Shulgin and Olga Shtele presented a leading report at a scientific conference in Tyumen

On November 28, Tyumen Industrial University hosted a scientific conference "Embedding Cultural Heritage in Economic Reality", which was held within the framework of the project "Architectural Image of the Region".

Pavel Shulgin and Olga Shtele talked about the Theater within Regional Cultural Framework

On September 28, 2019, St. Petersburg hosted the Festival "Culture 4.0. Economy and Culture". This edition was mainly focused on the Theater as 2019 being declared the Year of Theaters in Russia. The Festival program included as well a scientific conference which discussed economic and socio-cultural aspects of the theater.

The team of Centre for Regional Programmes of Social and Cultural Development held a workshop in Kazan

On August 20, 2019, the one-day workshop held by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan was devoted to "Modern Strategies for Cultural Policy and their Impact on the Socio-economic Development of Regions". The workshop was assured by the team the Centre for Regional Programmes of Social and Cultural Development of the Institute for Social Policy.

Pavel Shulgin took part in the Round table of the Foundation for the development of civil initiatives on the theme "Modernization of cultural policy»

On October 16, the Foundation for the development of civil initiatives "Dialogue" together with The Gaidar Institute of economic policy held a Round table on the theme "Culture and cultural policy in the process of modernization of the country: problems and solutions".

Pavel Shulgin and Olga Shtele took part in the meeting of the Scientific Expert Council for Historical Settlements at the Federation Council

On September 10, the Federation Council, the upper House of the Federal Assembly, the Russian Parliament, held a meeting of the Scientific Expert Council for Historical Settlements. It discussed the creation of a list of historical settlements, their comprehensive development and the improvement of their investment attraction.

Pavel Shulgin and Olga Shtele took part in the UNESCO Forum on Intercultural Dialogue held in Kazan

On September 4-7, 2018, a UNESCO Forum on Intercultural Dialog was held in Kazan. The forum united the scientists and public figures from several dozens of countries. The major topic of the forum was the protection of the world heritage as an important part of the intercultural communication.

The International forum “Digital Economy: Inter-Sectoral and Territorial Unity of Market Development” heard the presentation by Pavel Shulgin

On May 31, 2018, a meeting of the International forum “Digital Economy: Inter-Sectoral and Territorial Unity of Market Development” took place at the World Trade Center in Moscow. Pavel Shulgin, director of the Centre for Regional Programs of Social and Cultural Development of the Institute for Social Policy, HSE, presented his paper on the topic “Cultural heritage as a driver of historical settlements’ social and economic Development.”

On May 15, 2018, the Institute for Social Policy held a scientific seminar on the topic "Modern problems of preservation and use of cultural heritage: the formation of the cultural framework as a method of inclusion of heritage in modern economic reality (on the example of the Tyumen region)"

The seminar heard a presentation by Pavel Shulgin, PhD, director of the Centre for Regional Programs of Social and Cultural Development of the Institute.